Welcome to Seaford Park Primary School
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Seaford Park Primary School.
At Seaford Park Primary School, our vision is to cultivate a nurturing and vibrant community where every child feels valued, safe and inspired to achieve their personal best. By putting the learner at the centre, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and fosters respect, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive academically, socially and emotionally. Through encouraging curiosity, empathy and resilience, our focus on the social nature of learning prepares students for meaningful and compassionate participation in a diverse world beyond the school gates.
We continually aim to encourage high self- and collective efficacy amongst our staff and students with our learners at the centre of our actions and decisions. We work as a professional learning community to ensure the focus within our classrooms is squarely on our students and how they learn. This involves weekly formalised discussions beginning with the analysis of data, research and sharing of best practice to ensure that every teacher is engaging in continuous professional learning and that every student is taught at their own point of need. Our teaching and learning approach is underpinned by research and evidence. In literacy, we use a Multisensory Structured Language (MSL) approach for explicitly teaching the Big 6 of Reading (oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension) and have implemented The Writing Revolution across the school. In Numeracy, all staff have participated in ongoing professional learning using the work of Di Siemon and the Big Ideas in Mathematics (trusting the count, place value, additive to multiplicative thinking, partitioning, proportional reasoning, generalising).
We offer a range of specialist subjects, including Auslan, Physical Education, Visual Arts and Performing Arts. These subjects and our strategically designed teaching and learning program allow for diversity in our students’ learning styles and interests. Our team is committed to balancing challenge with support for all of our learners. A Response-to-Intervention approach underpins both teaching and wellbeing as our dedicated team of teachers and education support staff work collaboratively with families to create an environment that is inclusive of all learners, catering to individual student learning needs through personalised adjustments. Whilst Tier 1 practices are continually improved through ongoing staff professional learning and collaborative practices in Professional Learning Communities, both Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports are strategically structured to support students at the school in both small-group and individual experiences. The Student Support Services provide support for the school in our disability & inclusion approaches and for the last few years, we have partnered with Monash University to host placement Occupational Therapist (OT) students who support our students under the supervision of qualified OTs.
Through embedding a culture of school-wide positive behaviours, students understand their rights and responsibilities in contributing to the school community. We value the social nature of learning and provide opportunities for students to collaborate in their learning throughout their day. We empower students in every classroom to influence their own learning by developing programs that promote autonomy. Senior students are appointed to student leadership positions to contribute to school life.
Our school prides itself on a strong sense of community. Working collaboratively with families and external agencies, together, we aim to empower our students to become caring, responsible and engaged citizens who are lifelong learners. In addition to volunteering in classrooms and on excursions, parents can get involved by joining our School Council and subcommittees. We also have well developed partnerships with several local community-based organisations including the Healthy Future Hub, Belvedere Community Centre and the Seaford RSL.
Seaford Park Primary School is where every child’s potential is recognised, nurtured and celebrated, creating a legacy of achievement and community spirit. If you are interested in hearing more, please register for a school tour by clicking here and navigating to the situation that best describes your family.
I look forward to working with you to provide the best possible educational experience for your child. In the meantime, please enjoy perusing our website and feel free to contact me via the school office if you have any further questions.
Kind regards,
Stephania Johnson-Turner
Acting Principal
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners throughout Victoria and pay respect to the ongoing living cultures of First Peoples. We recognise their deep connections to the places where we do our work for continuous school improvement. We continue to learn from the vibrant and innovative knowledge systems of First Peoples, and the depth of their teaching, learning and education practice. We observe their resilience through times of change and find ways to promote this through our work. We understand that each of us has a role in supporting each other to respectfully walk and work together.